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BPS Energy Audits uses a wide variety of media to enhance your online experience, from streaming videos to interactive how-to's. Listed below are links to download the necessary plug-ins required to take advantage of these features. BPS Energy Audits provides a rich user experience -- you just need to have the right tools.
For questions concerning technical issues regarding the Michigan Audits website, feel free to contact the Webmaster Directly.
For questions concerning technical issues regarding the Michigan Audits website, feel free to contact the Webmaster Directly.
BPS Energy Audits Plug-ins & Programs | Windows | Mac |
Internet Explorer Internet Explorer : A popular application from Microsoft used to browse the Web. | Link | |
Apple Safari Apple Safari : A popular application from Apple used to browse the Web. | Link | Link |
Google Chrome Google Chrome: Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. | Link | Link |
Firefox Firefox: Firefox has security, speed and new features that will change the way you use the Web. Don't settle for anything less. | Link | Link |
Real® Player Real Media Player allows videos and advertisments to be streamed over low and high bandwidths for virtually realtime viewing. | Link | Link |
Apple® Quicktime® QuickTime: Get the latest version of Apple's complete technology for handling video, sound, animation, graphics, text, music, and even 360-degree virtual reality (VR) scenes. A gateway for rich media including images, music, MIDI, MP3 and more, QuickTime lets you experience more than 200 kinds of digital media with your Mac. | Link | Link |
Macromedia® Flash® Macromedia® Flash® will inable your browser to view Vector Based graphics which load very quick and allow you to interact and make choices with the media piece. | Link | Link |
Adobe® Acrobat Reader Adobe® Acrobat® Reader is free, and freely distributable, software that lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. With Acrobat Reader, you also can fill in and submit PDF forms online, as well as download encrypted content from the Web and unlock it with Web Buy. | Link | Link |